Monday, 15 July 2013

Some boring refactoring

Today I spent refactoring fmpzxx.h and fmpqxx.h. In particular, any code in fmpzxx.h which was not directly pertaining to the fmpz wrapper class was abstracted and moved to a new helper file flint_classes.h. (This is not entirely true, I still have to complete this process for ternary expression evaluation.) This made fmpzxx.h quite a bit cleaner (imho) and shorter (but at the expense of creating flint_classes.h, obviously). Then I applied the same changes to fmpqxx.h. Of course the point being that this can now reuse flint_classes.h.

I will continue the same process tomorrow.


  1. I hope you are set up somewhere cool, avoiding this heatwave we are experiencing. It should cool down by the weekend, as that is why I fly out for Australia.

  2. I just took a look at the new fmpzxx.h, fmpqxx.h and padicxx.h files, and they are looking really good.

    Let me know when you think it would be a good time to try and write one of these myself, e.g. I could do fmpz_poly as an exercise, as I doubt it will be much more complex than fmpz.
