Thursday, 8 August 2013

fmpz_matxx again

First of all, yesterday was an unproductive day. I got up feeling slightly sick, and spent about two hours writing documentation. Then I gave up for the day and went back to bed.

Fortunately, all seems to be fine again today. I finished yesterday's documentation task; now finally all documentation is up to speed again with respect to the recent library changes. After that, I finished the fmpz_matxx class, at least to the extent that other classes are finished, and documented it.


  1. Funny coincidence. I think I had food poisoning on the same day I got sick. Probably from eating out-of-date food that, quote, "never made anyone sick".

    It took me a little longer to recover than you. Around 4 days.

  2. Same day *you* got sick. Now why doesn't blogger allow editing of comments.

  3. Well it's good to hear you are better now.
